Pollution Prevention (P2) & Zero Waste Planning: Training & Implementation
Learn principles of pollution prevention, zero waste and “green” purchasing. Explore what you’re learning in class with your peers. Use these principles to reduce waste generation, increase reuse and recycling, and provide a safer workplace for employees, Tribal members, customers, and a healthier environment.
Scroll down to access training materials on Pollution Prevention & Zero Waste principles that can help reduce hazardous & nonhazardous waste from your Tribal operations!
These resources are organized for use on a training day. The presentations contain the content and the activities consist of facilitator instructions, worksheets for participants, and handouts to be given following the activity. Each underlined section leads to a printable PDF file. Feel free to use/adjust to suit your needs.
Welcome and Introductions: Each participant will share a waste stream, product, toxic, or process currently being used that is your top priority to change, a big challenge, or is a primary concern.
Zero Waste Activity:
Facilitator’s Instructions for Zero Waste Activity
Zero Waste Activity: Rethinking, Redesigning, and Eliminating Worksheet
Zero Waste Activity handout: Zero Waste Planning Checklist
Pollution Prevention Presentation
Pollution Prevention Activity:
Facilitator’s Instructions for P2 Activity
P2 Activity: Identifying Toxic Products and Less-toxic Alternatives
P2 Activity Handout: Discussion of Toxic Products and Less-toxic Alternatives
Green Purchasing Activity:
Facilitator’s Instructions for Green Purchasing Activity
Conducting A Pilot Test Activity Worksheet
Case Study Shift and Share Activity
P2 Case Study: Wind River Casino
Creating a P2ZW Plan Factsheet – handout
Next steps Activity: Main take-aways, immediate implementation, long-term implementation.
If you have any questions or would like suggestions on facilitating this training, please reach out to Jean Waters - jwaters@pprc.org.
Additional Resources
Solid Waste Concerns for Tribes Fact Sheet
Pollution Prevention and Zero Waste Fact Sheet
Case Studies
Chumash Zero Waste initiatives (PPRC case study)
TRUE Zero Waste Projects (~100 facilities certified as TRUE Zero Waste)
Zero Waste Resources
Zero Waste USA: zerowasteusa.org – Zero Waste USA is a nonprofit organization and a Zero Waste International Alliance National Affiliate with the goal of inspiring communities to embrace and achieve Zero Waste. Zero Waste USA provided a Certificate of Completion to attendees of the P2ZW training program. Zero Waste USA has an extensive education program. For the latest offerings, go to: https://zerowasteusa.org/education/. Zero Waste USA has also developed tool kits to help in planning for Zero Waste for communities, businesses and institutions: Zero Waste Community Planning Toolkit, and Zero Waste Business Institution Planning Toolkit.
Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA): zwia.org – Zero Waste International Alliance is the internationally recognized online source for Zero Waste standards, policies, and best practices for communities and businesses. ZWIA’s Zero Waste Declaration highlights the environmental justice attributes of the Zero Waste vision: https://zwia.org/zero-waste-declaration/
U.S. Green Building Council TRUE Zero Waste Rating System: TRUE.gbci.org. About 100 businesses, institutions and government facilities that have been certified as TRUE Zero Waste facilities can be viewed at: https://true.gbci.org/projects.
National Zero Waste Conference: zwconference.org – The National Zero Waste Conference is an annual two-day virtual educational and networking event organized by Zero Waste USA and its partners. The first day of the conference focuses on Zero Waste Businesses & Institutions. The second day focuses on Zero Waste Communities. The 2023 conference takes place on Wednesday, October 25 and Thursday October 26, 2023.
National Recycling Coalition (NRC) 2023 National Recycling Congress: The NRC serves its members by developing and sharing best practices and policies that support sustainable materials management and the transformation to a circular economy. One of its key services is organizing a two-day virtual conference annually. For information on the 2023 National Recycling Congress, go to https://nrcrecycles.org/2023congress/. For archives of the 2021 and 2022 virtual National Recycling Congresses, go to: https://nrcrecycles.org/2023congress/#
U.S. EPA Managing and Transforming Waste Streams: https://www.epa.gov/transforming-waste-tool – With 100 policy, program, and infrastructure initiatives and over 350 case studies, the U.S. EPA Managing and Transforming Waste Streams is an excellent resource for community Zero Waste planning.
Zero Waste Cities Tracker: https://www.wastedive.com/news/zero-waste-cities-us-goal-tracker/635401/ – Waste Dive tracks which communities throughout the U.S. have zero waste goals, how they define those efforts and how much progress they’ve made. This website has a map that highlights Zero Waste activities by region around the U.S.
GreenEducation.us - This is an online training program for becoming a Certified Sustainable Resource Management Professional (CSRMP), accredited by the National Standards Certification Board of the National Recycling Coalition. You can take a single class, watch a pre-recorded webinar, or to boost your expertise in sustainable resource management. They provide Self-paced learning and virtual classrooms so that you can discover learning at your pace, at your place.
Baltimore Fair Development Plan for Zero Waste - This Plan provides a step by step guide to transitioning the city away from incineration and toward recycling, composting and reuse, which will expand the economy by 1,800 jobs within two years. The Baltimore Fair Development Plan is a Zero Waste Plan based on community goals and aspirations.
Boston Zero Waste Plan - The 30 near-term and long-term recommendations in the Boston Zero Waste Plan will help Boston reduce the consumption of natural resources and emission of greenhouse gases, and will help Boston increase its citywide recycling rate to be on par with leading cities across the country. And this work will be sustained through companies providing good, green jobs to residents in the region.
Boston University Zero Waste Plan - BU's Zero Waste Plan was developed by a 54-member task force during the fall of 2019, and released on March 3, 2021. Hundreds of BU faculty, staff, and students helped shape the plan through participation in forums, surveys, and more. The Plan outlines 21 different initiatives that focus on various important aspects of Zero Waste: redesign, reduce, reuse, recycle/compost, culture change, and market development.
Recycling is Infrastructure Too Campaign - This Campaign advocated for the inclusion of waste reduction, reuse, recycling and composting infrastructure funding to stem climate disruption, address racial injustice, and create thousands of jobs throughout the country. The Campaign hosted a series of webinars to ensure these types of projects were part of federal infrastructure discussions and funding. Many of these programs were included for funding in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. At this link, the Campaign has recordings of some of the webinars that provide a good overview of how and when to apply for Federal funding for such infrastructure.
Illegal Dumping White Paper – this is an executive summary and a best practices manual that addresses illegal dumping of durable goods like auto parts, household appliances, mattresses, furniture, construction and home renovation waste, and electronics. Published by the Mattress Recycling Council, these resources provide excellent guidance that can be used to prevent illegal dumping of materials commonly reported on tribal lands.
Chart Reuse online analytics tool – This tool can help businesses identify actionable insights to pinpoint food packaging waste opportunities and empower teams to chart a path to operational improvements and cost savings. The tool was developed by Upstream whose mission is to spark innovative solutions to plastic pollution by helping people, businesses and communities shift from single-use to reuse.
Pollution Prevention Resources
Management of Hazardous, Dangerous, and Solid Waste (PPRC fact sheet)
How to use an SDS and NIOSH guide (PPRC fact sheet)
NIOSH pocket guide: cdc.gov/niosh/npg/default.html
U.S. EPA Pollution Prevention website: epa.gov/p2
U.S. EPA’s webpage on proper handling of used household batteries.
Green Purchasing Resources
Environmental specifications Tribes can use:
State of Washington’s Green Purchasing Guide, which includes environmental specifications developed by the Responsible Purchasing Network for over 75 product categories of products
US EPA’s specifications, standards, and ecolabels for Federal purchasing.
Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC) Collective Action Office Supplies Specifications: https://www.sustainablepurchasing.org/office-supplies
Contracts Tribes can use to access environmentally preferable products at discounted prices:
Washington State Contracts, which Tribes in the state of Washington can use
Federal GSA programs for states and local governments, which Tribes can use to access contracts related to public health emergencies, disaster recovery, and homeland security
Green product certification resources:
Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI), which certifies compostable food service ware free of PFAS “forever chemicals”
Electronic Products Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT), an environmental rating system for computers, copiers, and other types of IT equipment and electronics
ENERGY STAR Product Finder, U.S. EPA’s list of products that have earned the federal government’s energy-efficiency certification
Green Seal, a nonprofit organization that certifies a wide array environmentally preferable products such as cleaners, hand soaps, paper products, and more.
OMRI Products List, a list maintained by the Organic Materials Research Institute, which certifies safer landscaping products such as pesticides, fertilizers, and more.
Safer Choice, U.S. EPA’s list of consumer and institutional cleaning and facility maintenance products that have earned its low-toxicity certification
WaterSense-certified products, U.S EPA’s list of toilets, water faucets, irrigation equipment and other products that meet its strong water conservation standards
Green purchasing resources related specific product categories:
Buyers Bee-Ware: Municipal Purchasers Guide to Protecting Pollinators,Responsible Purchasing Network and Friends of the Earth
Charging Ahead: How to Find Powerful Rechargeable Batteries that Go On and On…and On
Mercury in Fluorescent Lighting: Unnecessary Health Risks and Actionable Solutions
Safely Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Washington State Dept. of Public Health
Other Green Purchasing Resources:​
PFAS-free Purchasing, Safer States and Ecology Center
Sustainable Facilities Tool, a website created by the U.S. General Services Administration to help purchaser find environmentally preferable products that meet federal standards
The Buck Starts Here: A Sustainable Purchasing Playbook for Cities, a comprehensive guide that presents sustainable purchasing best practices, recommended language, action planning tools, and tracking resources that Tribes can use to build an effective sustainable purchasing program.
A Slick New Guide to Avoiding PFAS (Forever Chemicals) in Products, Responsible Purchasing Network for the State of Massachusetts
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